Conference Venue

ICCRD Location

Shangrao Normal University

Address: No. 401, Zhimin Avenue, Xinzhou District, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province




Through actively expanding international cooperation programs, Shangrao Normal University has by far carried out a multi-level, multi-channel and diversified cooperative education with 10-plus universities and Universitys in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea and others.
Profound in cultural heritage, Shangrao Normal University practices the school-running philosophy of "politics to guide, quality to heighten, features to stabilize, integrity to sustain", thus forming a distinctive characteristic in teacher-training, regional and multidisciplinary school-running. It has determined the mid-term goal of achieving successful master degree program application, the medium and long-term goal of establishing provincial first-class higher normal education and Shangrao Normal , embarking on a new journey of high-quality and leap-forward development.

上饶,因鄱阳湖,被称为“鱼米之乡”;因三清山,素有“山郁珍奇”之誉;因扼闽、浙、赣、皖要冲,成为“豫章第一门户”。历来享有“富饶之洲”“信美之郡”的美誉。 上饶四季分明,风光秀丽。中部三清山方圆二百里,雄奇峻秀,尘绝人寰,素有“江南第一仙峰”的美誉。自然植被保存完好,存有大量古树、古溶洞、古建筑、古文物的婺源,山青水碧,小桥流水,一派恬静的田园风光,游人誉为“中国最美的农村”,被列为中国南方唯一的文化旅游示范县。 上饶境内有国家4A级风景旅游区三清山、龟峰,3A级旅游区婺源;中国最大的淡水湖——鄱阳湖,风光旖旎、婉约秀丽,红蓝古绿四色齐全,王安石称赞这里“山水有精神”。

Please note that the hotel will not contact any participants for hotel booking, please be careful when anyone asks you to provide your credit card information.
