Conference Venue

ICCRD Location

Wanda Realm Shangrao

Address: No.8 Guangxin Avenue, Xinzhou District, Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, China,Xinzhou District,Shangrao,Jiangxi




The longest river in China, the Yangtze River south bank, backed Mountains, facing Lake, there is a magical and prosperous land,which is the Shangrao City in Jiangxi. Shangrao west by the designation, south of Wuyishan, Beitiao Huangshan, is the southern landscapes atractions intermediarycombination of points, In this raising of the "China Railway" father - Zhan Tianyou, Zhu Xi and other famous sage, Song ji ld ageresident Shangrao, Tang "sage" Lu Yu wrote in this tea one of the earliest monograph "Tea "This beautful and fertle land is alsoraising the red as the representative of a large number of Fang Zhimin proletarian hero Chester.

上饶,因鄱阳湖,被称为“鱼米之乡”;因三清山,素有“山郁珍奇”之誉;因扼闽、浙、赣、皖要冲,成为“豫章第一门户”。历来享有“富饶之洲”“信美之郡”的美誉。 上饶四季分明,风光秀丽。中部三清山方圆二百里,雄奇峻秀,尘绝人寰,素有“江南第一仙峰”的美誉。自然植被保存完好,存有大量古树、古溶洞、古建筑、古文物的婺源,山青水碧,小桥流水,一派恬静的田园风光,游人誉为“中国最美的农村”,被列为中国南方唯一的文化旅游示范县。 上饶境内有国家4A级风景旅游区三清山、龟峰,3A级旅游区婺源;中国最大的淡水湖——鄱阳湖,风光旖旎、婉约秀丽,红蓝古绿四色齐全,王安石称赞这里“山水有精神”。

Please note that the hotel will not contact any participants for hotel booking, please be careful when anyone asks you to provide your credit card information.
